Monday, September 28, 2016
Today my London, UK friend writes: "How is your health? I hope you aren't doing too many physical activities."
My answer:
Actually, I do as many physical activities as I can and suffer "cabin fever" when I can't get outside several times a day. Dave and I are wondering whether this will be the winter that we have to quit downhill skiing. (His knee, my balance).
Our next door neighbors of 23 years, (she is 10 years younger than me) have just moved out of their lakefront home into a condo. Why? They think that they can't take care of their house any more. They seem perfectly fine to me, but ... too old for a house? No way. Geez.
We still own two houses and have only recently started hiring a bit of help. I have a cleaning lady, at our C.L. home, every three weeks, and Dave has given up doing any work on the roof.
We just got home from a week at our vacation home on Gregory Lake. I love it there because we work outside a lot. We still own the adjoining farmland which consists of 45 tillable acres and 60 acres of wetlands and wooded land. We have a farmer who leases the tillable acres, but Dave and I still keep up a hiking trail through the wetland and wooded land. We have a heavy duty brush-hog. (A machine that mows and cuts through thick brush) which we use to mow the trail. Also, we have a chainsaw, weed whacker and hand tools that we use.
Our wetlands are an environmental jewel and rated pristine by the University folks, with many rare species. Every year Dave and I spend hours eradicating any invasive species that threaten the edges of the wetland.
We also have a little orchard, which we planted. In July we harvested peaches and pressure-canned them. On this trip we picked all our apples, and brought them home with us. We will eat some and can some. Our plum, pear, and cherry trees and our hazelnut trees were barren this year.
Re: physical activity, I say to myself, "one physical activity a day and then take a rest." But, the only time I hurt is when I rest too long.