Monday, December 28, 2015

I'm Back

After a time-out for an emergency appendectomy,  17 days in the hospital, plus three weeks of Home Health Care, I'm now almost 100% recovered and back to having fun again. Not exactly running a marathon, yet, but did a half mile leisurely walk yesterday, besides losing another game of air hockey to Dave, the one with the sharp eyes and reflexes.
This has been another weird December, weather-wise--warm temps, no snow and no ice on the lake. Can't complain, however. Life is good. So what if we had to cancel our December ski trip in Michigan? There is plenty else fun to do.
One year ago we were zooming down the hills. As the saying goes, "If you don't like the Michigan weather, just wait a while. It will change." Yesterday I was out walking. Today's forecast is for a quarter-inch of ice and thirty mph winds. Holy cow!
Mercer Publications has plans for the future. Tonight I'm on the Ron Shaw show for a one hour interview. (8 PM EST. Go to Click Ron Shaw)
We will be announcing two new short story collections, open for submissions. (For details go to Any writers out there? Here's your chance.
Also, we will be publishing our Hawaii blog in storybook form, "Hawaii and Back, With Dave and Dorothy" Vol. 5. As to the possibility of another McBride novel, we are awaiting inspiration.
Thank you, everyone, for your kind thoughts and prayers, cards and visits during my hospitalization and recovery. There is no doubt it pulled me through.